World Young Chef Young Waiter 2022 Competition Final Taking Place in Monaco from 15-16 November

The final of the World Young Chef Young Waiter (World YCYW) Competition 2022 will take place in spectacular style in Monaco from 15 – 16 November. 

Tuesday 15 November: An opening ceremony will take place at Yacht Club de Monaco with a cocktail reception to introduce the World Finalists with national flags and anthems

Wednesday 16 November (day): Final: 7 chefs & 7 waiters will make and serve their winning menus at The Maybourne Riviera for VIP guests

Wednesday 16 November (evening): Winners will be announced at a glamorous awards dinner at The Maybourne Riviera with VIP guests


The final will be judged by Jason Atherton, Adam Handling, Ching He Huang MBE, Mark Sargeant, Mario Perera, Michael Kwan, Simon King, David Wong and Andy Downton.

Meet the Finalists

England Competition – the winning chef is Miltan Masha from The Monarch Theatre (L) & the winning waiter is Elisa Doisneau from Kitchen Table (R)
Ireland Competition – the winning chef is Ciara Kenneally from the Oak Room Restaurant at Adare Manor (L) & the winning waiter is Emma Jackson from Liath Restaurant (R).
Macao Competition – the winning chef is William Wang Weicheng from Wynn Macau (L) & the winning waiter is Mondass Velautham from Wynn Palace (R)
Wales Competition – the winning chef is Ali Halbert from Heaneys (L) & the winning waiter is Tilly Morris from Grove of Narberth (R)
Singapore Competition – the winning chef is Aiken Low from Cure (L) & the winning waiter is Terry Wong from Jaan by Kirk Westaway
Canada Competition – the winning chef is Haofeng (Tyler) Lin from Hilton Toronto & the winning waiter Paul Mckeand from Langdon Hall Country House and Spa
Cayman Islands Competition – the winning chef is Brittney Bodden from Tomfoodery Kitchen (L) & the winning waiter is Laurent Bodden from Grand Old House (R)

Chairman of World YCYW, Robert Walton MBE said: “I’m so excited about the World Young Chef Young Waiter Final where we will crown the World Champion Chef & Waiter. The competition is now 45 years old, and I am so proud of how it continues to highlight the young, up-and-coming talent in our exciting industry. The aim of World YCYW is simple: to uncover the very best young talent in our industry. Our 2022 entrants have had the opportunity to meet high profile industry professionals, learn new skills and make new friends. It’s a chance for competitors to test their proficiency, progress their careers, learn, and develop their potential. The competition has provided a launchpad for the careers of many of our industry’s most successful names, and we have been so lucky to have the support throughout the years from the likes of Roy Ackerman and Robert Carrier, who were two of the original YCYW judges and leading restaurateurs. We are incredibly grateful to all our sponsors and partners for their continued support, and I want to wish all our finalists the best of luck at the grand finale. Most of all, I want them to go out there and have some fun, as that’s really what this competition is all about!”

Paul Robinson, Chief Creative Officer, NEFT Vodka: “As a young progressive brand, it is such a pleasure to be involved with a competition that promotes and rewards young progressive talent in hospitality. Spirits and hospitality have always walked hand and hand and the future of these global industries depends on the energy and creative skills of enthusiastic innovators.”

Adam Handling said: “With sustainability at the heart of my ethos, it really is about investing in the future generation and making the future of this industry an exciting place to be. It is a real honour to be involved in a young person’s competition, to help mentor them, progress them and give them a spotlight to shine. Having competed in this competition many moons ago and seeing the doors that it opens for its competitors; I would definitely encourage the young talent of this industry to get involved. They will make lifelong bonds, connecting with winners from the other countries. I’m super excited to be able to judge such incredible talent and help them make memories.”

Mark Sargeant said: “Being involved in World Young Chef Young Waiter is an absolute dream. I was lucky enough to win the competition in 1996 when I was working at Coast Restaurant with Steve Terry. Gordon was a judge and after that he offered me a job at Aubergine. I guess you could say the rest is history but winning that competition was without doubt the open door for my career. I am so proud to be able to come back and pass on my experience to the new World YCYW as I feel it’s my job to push the careers of the future talent out there.”

Ching He Huang MBE said: “I am delighted to be a Chairwoman for Asia for Young Chef Young Waiter Asia and World Young Chef Young Waiter, I firmly believe in supporting the next generation of talent. Having worked in the media to promote Chinese/Asia cuisine in the UK since 2003, I know what it is like to be young and be trying to break into an industry one is passionate about. However, I certainly did not get to the position I am in without the support of many. World Young Chef Young Waiter is an amazing competition that will bring together the best culinary art talents from around the world, to celebrate them, to nurture them, to support them and to guide them. I am incredibly proud to support it, thank you Robert Walton MBE and Sean Valentine FIH for your vision and your trust. Thank you David Wong, Chief Architect for World Young Chef Young Waiter Macao 2022, The Wynn and MGTO for coming together to support the first ever World Young Chef Young Waiter competition in Macao. It has been an especially tough time locally and globally for the industry, however it shines much brighter with you all leading heroes coming together in support of the next generation of young culinary leaders for our industry.”

Mario Perera said: “It has been a privilege and an honour to be involved in the judging of the first Young Chef Young Waiter World Final. I’m thrilled to be going to Monaco and seeing and tasting the finalists’ innovative menus. The talent that we are seeing is really extraordinary, the future of hospitality is looking incredibly bright.”

Simon King said:  “I’ve been fortunate enough to be involved in the World Young Chef Young Waiter competition for many years now and to see it transformed into a global competition is so exciting. As a previous winner I know how impactful it can be to your career, knowledge and network. Now we’re giving young professionals the opportunity to represent their country showcase their skills and ability to work as a team on a world level, it doesn’t get better than that!!

Andy Downton said: “I have been privileged to be part of the senior judging team for the competition for the past 3 years, mainly judging the UK along with the China and Asia competition. My main role is to guide, support & help maintain the standards of the competitions along with making sure the competitors are fully supported in order to give them all the best opportunity to go as far as possible. The importance of World YCYW has really grown, and the standard of the chefs and waiters entering has become very high which is great to see. The final will pit the best of the best from all countries involved and whoever comes out on top really will be fully deserving of the crown. Having a worldwide competition is massive exposure for our amazing industry & shows the importance for us to celebrate hospitality as a profession. I am very lucky to be able to do my part in helping and making sure that the future hospitality stars are supported. I can only see the WorldYCYW competition becoming bigger in the future with more countries joining in and helping to showcase young talent. Bring on the first ever World final of YCYW and I wish all of the competitors the very best of luck.”

David Wong said: “I am delighted to be the Chief Architect of Young Chef Young Waiter Macao 2022 and one of the judges at the first World Young Chef Young Waiter Final in Monaco.  By hosting and supporting this event in Macau we hope to encourage local catering talents to broaden their horizons and achieve renown for Macau on the international stage, while at the same time contributing to the sustainable future development of Macau’s catering and tourism industries. This is a competition that will elevate Macau’s skilled labour onto a global platform and provide stepping stones of future opportunities. We need to encourage and invest into our hospitality’s future with such competitions and support our local talent”

Sean Valentine, Managing Director World Young Chef Young Waiter said: “We have worked so hard over the last four years to modernise this historic concept and expand it from a UK competition to a global one. The first ever World Final in Monaco will bring together the best young talent in the hospitality industry to showcase their amazing talents. We look forward to expanding the competition to additional countries for 2023 with the support of our incredible judges, partners and sponsors.”

Simon King said: “I’ve been fortunate enough to be involved in the YCYW competition for many years now and to see it transformed into a global competition is so exciting. As a previous winner I know how impactful it can be to your career, knowledge and network. Now we’re giving young professionals the opportunity to represent their country and showcase their skills and ability to work as a team on a world level, it doesn’t get better than that!”

About the World Young Chef Young Waiter Competition

15th November 2022

Our Global Partners and Supporters
